my work


Produced by NBC News Education Nation (now NBC News Learn) and NBC Boston, NBC News Chief Education Correspondent Rehema Ellis hosted a dynamic live town hall on the issues facing young adults after high school, and solutions to ensure their success. Build the Future was presented as part of the Kennedy Library Forum Series. The event featured 6 panels total on a range of education topics, which I helped develop. I produced one panel for this event focused on cultivating "soft" skills in young adults. 

Future Strong: Skills for Success panel: The workforce model in the U.S. has changed significantly, and, in turn, so have the skills that employers seek. In addition to technical skills, so-called “soft” skills like communication, creativity and problem solving have become increasingly important. This panel focused on how today’s students go about acquiring these skills, and how are schools working to infuse social emotional learning programs into their curriculum.


Esta Pratt-Kielley Producer

Daria Hirsch Senior producer and project manager

Lindsay Johnson Producer

Jamie Farnsworth Producer

Gabbi Timmis Assistant producer

Soraya Gage Executive producer

And credit to the whole NBC Boston station team for their partnership in the broadcast

© Esta Pratt-Kielley 2020